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Trademark XXXII Leather Run
May 4-6, 2018

What is Trademark? Every year the Tradesmen host their annual Leather Run which is 3 days of parties and fun.
This year marks the 32nd Anniversary of the Tradesmen and we will be celebrating at the
Country Inn and Suites, 2541 Little Rock Road, Charlotte, NC.

Trademark XXXII Run Schedule

FRIDAY Host Times
Registration Tradesmen 4:00-8:00
Cocktail Party WOODSHED BAR 5:00-6:30
Cocktail Party SIDELINES 6:30-7:30
Cocktail Party Coastal Empire Sentinels 7:30-9:00
Bar Time/ Contestant Introductions at Woodshed Woodshed 10:00-2:00
Cocktail Party SCPL (South Carolina Pride in Leather) 1:30-2:30
Cocktail Party Panthers 2:30-3:30
Male Only Play Space—Dungeon/Dark Room Tradesmen 2:00-4:00
Female Playspace

I want to host a party!

Registration   8:30-10:30
Coffee & Donuts Tradesmen 8:30-9:30
Eye Opener Cocktail Party SCSL 8:30-10:30
Contest interviews NCLC 9:00-11:00
Games and Lunch Tradesmen 12:00-2:00
Cocktail Party AWOL 2:00-3:00
Main Cocktail Party SELF 3:00-4:00
Opening/ Parade of Colors   5:00
NCLC Contest   5:00-7:00
NCLC Celebration Photographs 7:00
Uniform Leather Heavy Hors d'oeuvres Tradesmen 7:00-8:30
Cocktail Party New winner Celebration Tradesmen 9:00-10:00
Bar Time Woodshed 10:00-2:00
Cocktail Party CLO (Columbia Leather Order) 1:30-2:30
Cocktail Party Jeff Sasser 2:30-3:30
Male Only Play Space—Dungeon/Dark Room Tradesmen 2:00-4:00
Pansexual Play Space

I want to host a party!

SUNDAY Host Times
Coffee & Donuts Tradesmen 9:00-10:00
Cocktail Party Tarheels 9:00-10:00
Brunch & Awards Tradesmen 10:30-12:00
To schedule a cocktail party click here!


Cocktail Parties:

What better way to show your support than throwing your own cocktail party! There are plenty of times to choose from and multiple locations to host it. This is where you can set the bar for all the other clubs to compete with. Bring your drinks, decorations and attitude!

Sign up for a time slot on the cocktail party schedule. We will honor all requests for specific times as first come first served, so hurry to insure you get your spot today.


Click here to request a cocktail party!

Country Inn and Suites

2541 Little Rock Road
Charlotte, NC 28214


Hotel Web site

The room rate is $94.00 per night for regular rooms, $144 for suites, plus tax includes hot breakfast.
Please use the code 1705TRADE1 when reserving your rooms to ensure you get the correct room rate.


Please consider sponsoring an ad in our run book or register to sponsor a cocktail party.

The Trademark 30 Run Book is an 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" booklet that features schedules of cocktail parties, special demos, information about special guests and more. The covers are full color with black and white interior pages.

Advertising Rates:
Inside Front Cover: (Full Color Glossy - 8.5" high x 5.5 " wide) - $95
Inside Back Cover: (Full Color Glossy - 8.5 " high x 5.5 " wide) - $90
Spread: (8.5" high x 11 " wide) - $120
Full page: (8.5" high x 5.5 " wide) - $70
1/2 page Horizontal: (4.25" high x 5.5 " wide) - $45
1/4 page: (4.25" high x 2.75 " wide) - $35

Design Files/Artwork:
Provide fonts with artwork (or convert to curves)
Resolution should be 300 dpi - PDF, TIFF, JPG or PSD file only
All Photoshop files must be saved as CMYK color-mode
Do not flatten any Photoshop files
* If you have any technical questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Advertisement Placement:
The publisher reserves the right to place all advertisements where needed in the program. Requests to be adjacent to, or separate from another advertiser are acceptable and will be honored wherever possible. Prospective advertisers may not purchase special positioning, such as right-hand front placement, etc. All advertisers pay the same affordable ad rates regardless of placement.






home | leather run | who we are | our history | how to join | house of mercy | our local bar | contact us


Feel free to contact us at Charlotte.tradesmen@gmail.com

The Tradesmen - P.O. Box 31654 - Charlotte, NC 28231

Find us on FetLife: http://fetlife.com/groups/38627

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Charlotte-Tradesmen-912968878819103/


©2016 Charlotte Tradesmen