Welcome to the Charlotte Tradesmen

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Who We Are

The Tradesmen are happy to celebrate 32 years in the Leather community!

Who are the Tradesmen? We are a fellowship of individuals having a common character and interest, dedicated to the development and improvement of brotherhood. To accomplish this, The Tradesmen endeavor to promote better communication between individuals, and to promote and support charitable causes. The Tradesmen believe in the equality of brotherhood regardless of race, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation.

You will be able to find us the first Saturday of every month at our home bar, The Woodshed helping to raise funds for our local charity, the House of Mercy. Be check out our Membership page for the different types of membership, the requirements, and to download a membership form to bring to one of our monthly bar nights at the Woodshed Lounge - every first Saturday of the month at 10:00PM.

To date, the Tradesmen have raised over $90,000 for our charity, the House of Mercy!

The Charlotte Tradesmen

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Chuck G

Chuck is a bit of an anomaly, in that he came out directly to the Leather community a bit later in life at the age of 27 in 1997.  His move from Atlanta GA to Charlotte NC precipitated this major step in his life.  That is when he decided to walk into his first gay bar (The Brass Rail), and never turned back.  It was there that he found The Tradesmen and discovered the portal to his Leather family.  As anyone who knows him can confirm, when he commits to an activity, he is in it all the way.  After spending a good amount of time getting to know the brothers of The Tradesmen, he joined in 1999.  He is now a Tradesman, and he always will be.  He has served as Secretary 2008-2011, 2015-2016 and Treasurer 2011–2014 and current President 2016-2018.  Since his move back to Atlanta in 2004, he continues to make monthly pilgrimages back to Charlotte to participate in club activities.  He has also traveled extensively to leather events, representing The Tradesmen throughout the SouthEast, and has ventured as far as IML and CLAW.  He has been an annual attendee of MAL from 2002-2011 and hope to get back soon.  Now that he resides back in Atlanta, he supports local Leather events with the Panthers, Atlanta S/M Solidarity, SouthEast Leather Fest and others.   He definitely wants to expand his travels to the West coast, Canada and farther to Europe and also would enjoy participating in the rodeo circuit to tap into his Leather Western fetish.

Over the past several years, he has constructed a workshop that will enable him to begin working on equipment for his personal dungeon / play space (as well as other activities).  He has an interest in constructing bondage and suspension equipment which leverages his engineering background and fondness for woodworking. 

All along the way, he has continued to grow along his Leather journey and knows that he will never stop learning, investigating, and exploring.  

Vice President

Member since 2012, Stephen currently serves the Tradesmen as Vice President. He was Mr. Woodshed 2012 and Mr. Atlanta Cub 2012. Stephen has been a very supportive member of the Tradesmen and enjoys supporting other clubs by traveling to their events and bar nights when not working. Stephen enjoys watching TV, hanging with friends and rugby.

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Member since 2013, scott has served the Tradesmen as Secretary and was the "Tradesmen of the Year" for 2013-2015. His club brothers fondly call him the “Nazi Secretary from Hell” or “boy adolf”. scott was the 2015 recipient of the "Daddy Bill Honor and Service Award" and is active in the southeast community. Additionally, he is a staff member for the Leather History Conference. In his free time, scott has been known to sell the occasional raffle ticket.

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Jeff C

Member since 2010, Jeff serves as our current Treasurer and was past Vice President as well as Mr. Woodshed 2011. Jeff spends his free time watching TV and hanging out with friends. He enjoys traveling for other club events and playing rugby when time allows.

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Tim S
Co-Road Captain

Member since 1998, Tim is one of the longest current members of the Tradesmen. Tim has held the offices of President, Vice-President, Road Captain and Member-at-Large for the Tradesmen. Tim was the 2014 recipient of the "Daddy Bill Honor and Service Award" and received the 2015 "Stice Memorial Community Service Award" at SouthEast LeatherFest. He has held the titles of both Mr. Woodshed and Ms. Woodshed, and is always willing to do whatever he can for his club. Tim understands the concept of "Service" like nobody else. His Alter-Ego "Nadia" is always willing to lend a hand, or a wig, for a good cause and has performed at events throughout the South East. Tim is very involved with our Annual "Toys for Tots" drive and helping with events for our charity "House of Mercy." In his spare time he enjoys collecting pigs, visiting his "Summer Home”, NASCAR and Panther's Football!

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Timothy L
Co-Road Captain

Member since 2011, Timothy got his first taste of Leather venturing into the DC Eagle in mid-1987. When the Charlotte Eagle closed, he became an active member of the community. When the Woodshed Lounge became the home bar for The Tradesmen, he met and got involved with the best group of Leather men that you could ever know. Through this membership and exposure from the “inside”, he was able to witness and experience the Structure, the Brotherhood and the Loyalty this community is based on. Timothy has served the Tradesmen as Secretary, President, Vice President, and now as Co-Road Captain. His Club brothers honored him by appointing him as Mr. NC Leather 2013. He has been selected as Tradesmen of the Year twice. Timothy volunteers at several organizations that serve our community. He is the Sign Language interpreter for R.A.I.N., where he has interpreted the program at the Charlotte AIDS Walk for the last 8 years. He is also a volunteer at Great Things and My Sister’s House. He also enjoys raising funds with the Tradesmen for The House of Mercy. Timothy is proud and honored to serve the Leather communities of this region and represent the southeast wherever his travels may take him as the 2015-2016 Mr. SE LeatherFest.

Marketing and Communications

Member since 2017, Brian is our newest member. He discovered the leather community in 2015 and found the Tradesmen shortly after. Brian enjoys attending leather events in the southeast community and looks forward to deepening his connections with other clubs. He can usually be found lurking near the bootblack stand or selling Jell-O shots. 

Tradesmen Alumni

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Member since 2013, Miller first began coming out in the community in late 2006. By 2008, he had become a more active member in the leather scene while bartending at the Charlotte Eagle. He has been involved in multiple fundraisers and participated in volunteer work for numerous charities within the Leather Community. Miller holds the title of 2015-2016 Mr. North Carolina Leather. Today you can find Miller balancing his work as a bartender at the Woodshed Lounge and being a full time student studying Culinary Arts.

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Jeff T

Member since 2002, Jeff was voted in as a full member of the Tradesmen at Trademark XVI, after spending a year as an Associate Member. Jeff was first mentored in the Leather community in the late 1970s and brings a knowledge of many years in the Leather lifestyle and is always glad to share this. The Tradesmen brothers are his Leather family and he appreciates the work the Tradesmen do to support our charity, the House of Mercy.

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Full Member since May 2012, Smitty has previously served the Tradesmen as their Road Captain. Besides working at our home bar, the Woodshed Lounge, Greg enjoys traveling and visiting other clubs. He has also been known to make an appearance at Southern Decadence from time to time.

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Member since 2015, Grey received his patch during Trademark XXIX. He has been a Nationally Certified Sign Language Interpreter since 1993. His first introduction to the leather community was interpreting leather events at the DC Eagle in the mid 90's. Though he had a great interest in leather and much interaction in the community, is wasn't until relocating to Charlotte, NC and meeting the brothers of the Tradesmen that he found a club he could call "Home." He is the face behind our FaceBook and loves meeting people and hearing about their journey. He lives in Mint Hill with his husband and their pack of four-legged children. Grey currently serves as our Pledge Master and Sergeant at Arms. 

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Dan W

A Member since 2012, Dan has a Black Belt in Okinawa-Te Karate Kobudo. If not traveling the world, Dan is easy to locate at the bar, usually holding onto a cup of vodka and cranberry on the outside porch.

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Care to join us?

Just go to our Membership Page to read about the different types of memberships, the differences and requirements of each one and download a member application to fill out and bring to our next bar night. Remember, you can always find us at The Woodshed on the first Saturday of the month at 10:00PM.

home | leather run | who we are | our history | how to join | house of mercy | our local bar | contact us

Feel free to contact us at Charlotte.tradesmen@gmail.com

The Tradesmen - P.O. Box 31654 - Charlotte, NC 28231

Find us on FetLife: http://fetlife.com/groups/38627

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Charlotte-Tradesmen-912968878819103/

©2016 Charlotte Tradesmen